Hi! My name is Justin, and I make art. I started shooting film and printing in the darkroom in high school. I fell in love with the entire analog process: using the old cameras, the darkroom, making the chemistry, not knowing how your shots are turning out until you go back and develop. But when I went to college, I knew I would have to give up my artistic passions. I wanted to be successful, to pursue a science degree that would get me a respectable, high paying job. But I also still wanted to make my art. So as it would turn out, the respectable high paying job was the actual dream that died when I went to college - I got an art degree!

I still work mostly in the darkroom, but have moved into all sorts of alternative processes as well. I found my particular niche in deconstructing and interrupting the chemical processes required for analog photography. I use unique processes like creating “film soup” or blowing up the negative and sewing it back together, but I also revive old techniques like halftoning or photograms.

The processes I create for each project are just as important conceptually as they are visually. My work generally speaks on the ways that people relate to their physical environment, and I use my ever-expanding toolkit of image manipulation techniques to explore these topics. Intentionally destroying, decaying, or simplifying the image allows me to play with the subject, and overtly alter the meaning of the image.

Contact me.

Have any questions or want to collaborate? Shoot me an email or fill out the form!
